Our services

Find out how JD Delivery Notts can help you with your logistics and storage needs. Our professional team and innovative solutions will bring your business to next level.

Same day courier

Same Day Courier

Our same day delivery service has been designed to meet the shortest deadlines and deliver the order as soon as possible! At the same time we value the quality of driving so your stock does not get damaged while being transported to your chosen destination.

Overnight Transportation

Overnight Transportation

Sending the cargo overnight can be more effective as traffic is practically non-existent! Orders needing quick turnaround will benefit from next day delivery too. Lower night temperatures can be of benefit to some transported produce. Give us a call for a quote!

Safe Storage

Safe Storage

If you do not own storage facilities or your order is ready but doesn’t have to be shipped just yet, then we offer safe and secure storage space in our warehouse! Our monitored and locked premises have professional shelving that can hold pallets and boxes.

Nationwide Deliveries

Nationwide Deliveries

From Plymouth to Inverness, from Aberystwyth to Great Yarmouth! We offer our transportation service across England, Wales and Scotland. You can now ship your products to clients from the other side of the island! Don’t limit yourself to your own county.